Barbara Roberts, Homeopath

Weight Loss

I have been asked about whether Homeopathy can help with weight loss. The answer to this is yes and no. Homeopthy is holistic, it looks at the whole picture of what is going on with you as well as your history. As part of this we would be looking at your history, and considering points like these: Is there a clear point when you gained weight, and what happened? Or is there a trigger which undermines you, even without your …

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This is a remedy I could not be without. Aconite is made from the plant monkshood, also known as wolfsbane or leopard’s bane, and is a deadly poison both orally and through the skin. Historically it’s use had been for killing criminals in the Roman Empire (until it was banned) and as a poison in various murder plots. A particular phrase I used to help me remember Aconite when studying is “fear and fright, at midnight, think Aconite”. As suggested …

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Homeopathic remedies for Exercise

Another of my questions from my giveaway. Remedies to support recovery from strenuous exercise/sport. The first remedy that comes up is Arnica. There is good evidence for this, a placebo controlled trial of marathon runners given Arnica 30X showed that muscle soreness was less in the Arnica group. Interestingly there was no difference in cell enzyme damage, so you would need to be careful to give yourself time to recover because while you may not feel the pain, the …

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I had a nice clinical sounding post written about Sepia. But I just can’t do it. I’ve had one of those weeks- to be fair, back to school and my youngest starting daycare tomorrow, with Waitangi Day and a day off today. It means my kids are fractious (and yes, having their own homeopathic treatment). They’re getting on my nerves, I’m irritable, and I just want everyone to go away and leave me alone. Except I don’t really want to …

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World Cancer Day

4th of February is World Cancer Day. Cancer has been around for thousands of years, but these days it does seem more prevalent than ever. Cancer is the abnormal proliferation of one type of cell which is uncontrolled and can also spread. Homeopathically, we have a cancer “miasm”. A miasm is the word Hahnemann chose to describe a set of conditions that are all linked. The cancer miasm is about fitting in, about perfection and having everything the same. When …

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Homeopathy for travel – the basics

When recommending remedies for someone who is not particularly familiar with homeopathy keep it simple, and stick to only a few remedies with clear indications. Combination remedies work well here as well. For long haul travel I would suggest A jet lag combination such as the Naturopharm Jet lag spray or the No Jet Lag tablets, available from health shops and pharmacies. These combine common homeopathic remedies to help reduce the effects of jet lag and acclimatise to a new …

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School and Homeopathy

For many in New Zealand, school will start this week. Some children are excited, others apprehensive, and some just do not want to go. Homeopathy can be a support for mental, emotional and physical complaints associated with school. I have summarised a few common constitutional remedies and how they may react around school time. Calcarea carbonica (Calc Carb) children remind me of the Hogwarts Hufflepuff house qualities- hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play. They can do well at …

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