Barbara Roberts, Homeopath

An introduction

Welcome to those new to following me, and if you have been here for a while thanks for sticking around.

I am passionate about natural health, and I practice primarily Homeopathy but with an integrative medicine approach. That is to say, I use homeopathic remedies primarily, but I also recommend or prescribe flower essences, tissue salts, Homeobotanicals, vitamins, minerals and supplements, and refer to other practitioners for their expertise. I am also a Pharmacist and very comfortable with discussing medicines and using homeopathy to complement conventional treatment.

I have yet to find another modality that can do what Homeopathy does. That is not to say that other modalities are not useful or important, but the holistic blend of physical, mental and emotional and finding remedies that encompass the whole person is the fundamental goal of Homeopathy.

A bit more about me: I have been a Pharmacist for 15 years and a Homeopath for 6 years. I live in Kerikeri with my husband, 3 children and 2 cats. As well as my passion for natural health I love all things crafty, and at the moment I sew a lot and I love to read.

My clinic is in my home, but I also occasionally see people in their own homes in Kerikeri and see those who do not live in Kerikeri (or in New Zealand) via video call (using messenger, WhatsApp, Skype or Zoom depending on your preference).

I do not have a particular “niche” in Homeopathy, working more like a general practice. I work with a lot of families, with various children’s ailments, behavioural and emotional support. With adults, both acute and chronic conditions, mental health and support for stressful and emotional events. If I can help you, please email me at 😊

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