
This week we are exploring Miasmatic theory, what Hahnemann called our predisposition to disease, and covers inherited patterns of illness. This is the third post and second miasm, so check out the general explanation and yesterdays post on Psora to learn more.

Sycosis is Hahnemann’s second miasm, and is from infection with Gonorrhoea, and the name of the nosode is Medorrhinum. You do not personally have to have been infected with gonorrhoea, or even in your parents or grandparents. It is the trends and themes of what we are seeing in front of us that lead to the miasm, not just your history of disease.

Infection with gonorrhoea has symptoms of inflammation, itching and pain, with a pus filled discharge. These are things that we see in the Sycotic miasm- pus and inflammation being common characteristics. John Paterson who wrote a book about Bowel Nosodes stated that Sycosis is about catarrh, which is an old fashioned word for mucous. Gonorrhoea affects the genital mucous membranes, but other mucous membranes can have excess mucous which also fits in the Sycotic miasm, and does not necessarily mean a history of gonorrhoea.

Sycosis is about having more. It is over abundance and showing off your collection. Consumerism is driven by Sycosis, because it is about the latest and the best and creating a need for more. I think of Sycosis when I see memes like “you can’t buy happiness but you can buy …. which is kind of the same thing.” Materialism, greed and a desire for more, wanting to do everything and to do it now. Sycosis can drive growth, but when this is unchecked it can be negative.

Louis Klein discusses the Sycotic miasm as at the pinnacle of success, they have achieved their goal and as such are egotistical, domineering and self confident and want to show off the fruits of their success.

Consequently we see in Sycosis conditions of over growth. Warts are Sycotic, as is Molluscum contagiosum, which is more and more common in our children. There can be cysts and tumours, but they are benign.

As Paterson discussed there is also a lot of problems with mucus over production, including sinusitis, asthma and allergies.

In order for our species to survive, growth is a requirement, and Sycosis has an affinity with reproduction, and therefore with everything related to sex. Prostate problems, infections of the genitals, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, endometriosis, and a high sex drive or promiscuity. Feelings of shame or self disgust from sexual abuse (Staphisagria or Thuja), or out of control sexual energy (Hyoscyamus or Medorrhinum) are also part of the Sycotic miasm.

Ian Watson discusses Sycosis in relation to the element of water, and keeping fluids moving around the body, as well as keeping a balance. This is seen with urine that excoriates and bladder irritation, with copious discharges, and sweating. Swelling of joints and oedema of the ankles are also Sycotic in nature.

Sycosis revels in their senses, enjoying everything from food, and drink to touch, sex, music and dance. Balance is one of the challenges of the Sycotic miasm, they can get in too deep, indulge too much, or be too sensitive and feel too much.

Medorrhinum has another aspect, that they can be cruel, and deliberately hurt others. This is the flip side of their sensitivity, that they have shut down because of abuse, ridicule or hurt. Remember that miasms are part of our inheritance, and trauma can be inherited as well as physical conditions.

Time is another aspect of the Sycotic miasm. Both the inherent busy-ness of society, seen in Medorrhinum with their need to hurry, but also when time passes slowly, like Cannabis indica.

There can be problems with memory, from absent mindedness, misplacing words or losing the thread of conversation. Sycosis has an affinity with the brow chakra, and a desire to expand consciousness and open the third eye. One way of doing this is with hallucinogenic or psychotropic substances. It is also associated with clairvoyance. However with this comes the problems with boundaries, and a need to ground themselves, otherwise they can feel disconnected and be unable to focus.

Peter Fraser discusses Sycosis as the development of writing, travel, and empire. He discusses two events – Moses’ meeting with God and returning with the written Covenant, and the fall of Troy. The tablets of law changed priests from being the conduit to God, to being the interpreters of his word. The fall of Troy was also the pivotal moment changing the culture from one of fate directing every aspect of life, as is seen in a The Iliad, to one where people have the ability to make their own choices, like in The Odyssey.

Writing allowed the development of society, but also the strata of society, with the development of feudal empires. The connection with Sycosis is showing off, being bigger and better, and the desire to have more, create a bigger empire and be more powerful.

Sycosis is our drive to succeed, to grow business, to better ourselves, but this can cause an over developed ego and a sense of entitlement. So what is our lesson from Sycosis? It is one of moderation and balance. As in the Sheryl Crow song, “it’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.” Work on yourself, grow your business, find what you love and are good at, but temper that with time out to enjoy life and be in the moment.

Come back tomorrow to learn about the Syphilitic Mism, Hahnemann’s third miasm.

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