Accident at home

Last week my husband had an accident with a skill saw, and his toe was sliced open. I had a brief look and this was not something I could deal with. A cloth nappy made a decent temporary bandage and before leaving for the Doctors I grabbed the Arnica and the Hypericum and gave him a couple of doses of each. Ringing ahead to the doctors had them usher us to a room on arrival where he saw first a …

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Pulsatilla Nigracans is an old and well known remedy and a staple in my Homeopathic kit. Pulsatilla is probably best known for its mental emotional picture. Weepy and tearful, better for consolation. These are the children who need comfort, not just weeping but they may whinge and moan and need physical contact to calm down. Pulsatilla feels better for company. May be afraid of being alone, and a fear of the dark is common. They are known for changeable symptoms, …

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Potency choice

Sometimes I get asked about potency and what you should be using. Generally, at home, use 30c. But if you want to know more, read on. First of all, what is potency? There are three scales of dilution used in Homeopathy- *decimal scale which is seen as 6X or 12D (in NZ we tend to use X not D which is more common in Europe). This means this has been diluted 1 in 10, six times for a 6X or …

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Sleep part 3

Supplements for Insomnia Today is our third day looking at insomnia and I want to talk about supplements you can use. This is not a comprehensive list, there are many available that I have not listed and many supplement brands have their own formulas. Magnesium – This is probably the most common one. New Zealand soil is deficient in Magnesium, and the amount we get from food may be inadequate unless you are eating vast quantities of chocolate or Brazil …

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Sleep part 2

Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia Yesterday we looked at some of the environmental factors and other health factors that could be contributing to insomnia, and some things you can do about it. Today I want to talk about homeopathic remedies. Before we get started, I want to remind you of the important differences between homeopathy and conventional or herbal medicine. In Homeopathy we are looking for the individual remedy that best matches what is happening with you. One way we find …

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