The Female Hormonal System

I recently watched a webinar by Dr Taryn Jacobs from CHE Online, the Centre for Homeopathic Education based in the UK. The webinar was titled The Wisdom of the Female Hormonal System and was eye opening in many ways. The Female Hormone cycle is an ancient, natural and sacred cycle. There has been a modern belief that some parts of the female cycle are dysfunctional and not ideal, whereas Taryn talked about the natural and medicinal aspects of the cycle. …

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Long term grief and stress from trauma

After the cyclone and floods many people were in acute shock, and needed to deal with the trauma and loss that had brought. I posted about some remedies to help in the acute stage over a month ago (you can find the post here: Now however, it is the long term stress, the emotional toll of dealing with the after effects, the clean up and everything that comes with that. The feelings of loss may not be as acute, …

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There are some remedies that are more indicated at certain times of the year, and Dulcamara is one for now, for Autumn. It is a remedy that is often forgotten about, but they are worse when there is a change of weather from warm to cool, and the autumnal warm days with cool nights has the same effect. They are also generally worse for damp, or cold, damp weather, and from getting cold or even cold drafts. The main things …

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More about me

This page has been slowly growing, and it’s a long time since I have done an introduction post. You’ve probably gleaned the details- Homeopath, originally a Pharmacist (now non-practicing), live in Kerikeri, with my husband, 3 children and 2 cats. Here are some things you probably don’t know. It took me six years to complete my four year Homeopathy diploma. I attended in person for my first year until November, then had my first baby and moved to distance learning …

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Melanie Hahnemann

Today is International Women’s Day, so I want to talk about a controversial but hugely important woman in the history of Homeopathy- Melanie Hahnemann, the first female Homeopathic Doctor. Melanie d’Hervilly was born on the 2nd of February, 1800 in Paris, France, and she grew up in a time after the Revolution when there had been some social change, women were still expected to learn just the skills they needed to become wives and mothers and manage a household. Melanie …

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Near where I live there is a walkway which is part of Te Araroa trail and connects up with the Rainbow Falls track. When we go for a family walk we usually pick this track as it is fairly flat, and walk just a short way to a bridge that we call the troll bridge – not sure who came up with it, but the 3 Billy Goats Gruff is sometimes re-enacted by my 3 children when crossing this bridge. …

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