
Homotoxicology is another modality that sometimes gets confused with Homeopathy. Homotoxicology was developed by Dr Hans-Heinrich Reckewig in 1952. There are a few key people who developed the theories that are used in Homotoxicology: Claude Bernard, who looked at terrain therapy, that the body needs to have nutrient requirements met and also be able to eliminate toxins, and to do

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Principles of Homeopathy

Principles of Homeopathy, and an Introduction to other modalities using Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is a form of medicine that has been around for over two hundred years and has a few fundamental principles. Firstly, the Law of Similars- that like cures like, or the symptoms that a remedy can cause in a healthy person in high doses, can cure those

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Frequency and Repetition

When you are treating an acute condition homeopathically, it is common to see a suggestion of “one dose every 15 minutes for up to six doses” or something similar. This is often the way I write it on my labels. There’s a few reasons we say this. One is because repetition is important. If you give a single dose of

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Take another look at Pulsatilla

Sometimes Pulsatilla is dismissed as a women’s remedy, for hysterical, changeable girls, women who cry too much, those who need to rely on others. Children who cling, and whine when they are sick, babies who cry when they are put down. However, that is prejudice coming in, misogyny in some cases, and it is terribly unfair to others who may

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Cognitive Dissonance

As part of my certificate of adult and tertiary teaching we looked at various theories of learning, so that when designing teaching sessions we have understanding about different ways that people learn. This sort of things fascinates me, and there were a few that stood out. One theory I have known about for years is Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

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Please admire my photo, this is a cross stitch that I started the first time I lived in Kerikeri, and I have just completed it. It only took me 16 years 😂 So because this took such a long time, I want to discuss persevering. Maybe it says something about my quiet obstinacy or stubbornness, which refused to let me

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Paracetamol and Fever

Paracetamol is one of the most common medicines in use in New Zealand today, if not the most common. I used to dish out loads of it as a Pharmacist. But I also find it a medicine that people take for granted, and these days recommendations for use have changed, but common use has not. My focus is Homeopathy, so

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Therapeutics of Burnout

I see you, all those busy people who have taken on more and more, until one day you crash, hit the wall, flame out. Or it could be more of a slow decline in energy, still doing everything but it feels harder and harder, like walking through water, then walking through mud. Sometimes it’s an illness that takes you down,

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Diamond Immersion and Adamas

The diamond is made from carbon atoms, that have been compressed and heated and in doing so form the hardest mineral in earth, only another diamond can scratch it. They have a high value and are seen as a symbol of beauty and love- diamond is the symbol of the 75th wedding anniversary. In Homeopathy we have two remedies made

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First Aid

I attended my first aid refresher yesterday. It’s important to go along and practice my CPR, just in case I ever need to use it or come across more than the minor injuries I am more familiar with. It did make me reflect on homeopathic remedies that are appropriate in these circumstances. Important to note that you would not be

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Whooping Cough

After the tragic death of a third infant from whooping cough there has been renewed publicity of the disease, so it is time for a post with some information about what you can do if you, or your child or someone close to you gets Whooping cough. Whooping cough is an infection with the bacteria Bordetella Pertussis. Initially the infection

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The Female Hormonal System

I recently watched a webinar by Dr Taryn Jacobs from CHE Online, the Centre for Homeopathic Education based in the UK. The webinar was titled The Wisdom of the Female Hormonal System and was eye opening in many ways. The Female Hormone cycle is an ancient, natural and sacred cycle. There has been a modern belief that some parts of

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Long term grief and stress from trauma

After the cyclone and floods many people were in acute shock, and needed to deal with the trauma and loss that had brought. I posted about some remedies to help in the acute stage over a month ago (you can find the post here: http://homeopathbarbara.com/2023/02/16/trauma/). Now however, it is the long term stress, the emotional toll of dealing with the

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There are some remedies that are more indicated at certain times of the year, and Dulcamara is one for now, for Autumn. It is a remedy that is often forgotten about, but they are worse when there is a change of weather from warm to cool, and the autumnal warm days with cool nights has the same effect. They are

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More about me

This page has been slowly growing, and it’s a long time since I have done an introduction post. You’ve probably gleaned the details- Homeopath, originally a Pharmacist (now non-practicing), live in Kerikeri, with my husband, 3 children and 2 cats. Here are some things you probably don’t know. It took me six years to complete my four year Homeopathy diploma.

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Melanie Hahnemann

Today is International Women’s Day, so I want to talk about a controversial but hugely important woman in the history of Homeopathy- Melanie Hahnemann, the first female Homeopathic Doctor. Melanie d’Hervilly was born on the 2nd of February, 1800 in Paris, France, and she grew up in a time after the Revolution when there had been some social change, women

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Near where I live there is a walkway which is part of Te Araroa trail and connects up with the Rainbow Falls track. When we go for a family walk we usually pick this track as it is fairly flat, and walk just a short way to a bridge that we call the troll bridge – not sure who came

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Avogadro’s limit

This limit, which is related to Avogadro’s number (6.0221 x 10 *23), corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C or 24X (1 part in 10 to the power of 24) The Therapeutic Products Bill is at select committee now – submissions close on March 5th, so if you have not already made a submission (here: https://www.parliament.nz/en/ECommitteeSubmission/53SCHE_SCF_BILL_130084/CreateSubmission) please PLEASE do so. If

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Therapeutic Products Bill

Artemisia Annua This is one more post about the Therapeutics Products Bill. THANK YOU to those of you who have already made a submission. If you have not yet done so I urge you to have your say – it can be as brief or as long as you like. It doesn’t have to be the best grammar and spelling,

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It has been a terrible week, and my heart goes out to those in the Hawkes Bay, Tairawhiti and elsewhere still dealing with the devastation from this storm. Homeopathic remedies can help with the shock and trauma following an event like this – and whether you have been evacuated, lost property, been injured or not, if you are feeling the

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Homeopathy at Home

These days I very rarely use other modalities, and most treatment is homeopathic, with the odd flower essence of Homeobotanical mixed in. Even my supplement use has decreased a lot, as homeopathic remedies are effective and easy. It’s been a while since I talked about my personal use, so here is a snapshot of what I have been using homeopathically

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Back to School

School starts next week for many primary or intermediate school children around the country school. This may be something your children are looking forward to, or they may be anxious or apprehensive. Homeopathy can help ease the way and make starting school less stressful on everyone. Here are a few acute remedies for nerves, and a discussion of constitutional remedies

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Therapeutic Products Bill

At the end of 2022, this Bill was introduced to Parliament and had its first reading. It is not the first time that there has been proposed legislation for Natural Health Products, and the current legislation it proposed to replace – the Medicines Act and the Dietary Supplements Regulations – arguably need updating. But there are a large number of

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Ledum is a remedy which is an essential first aid kit remedy for busy and active kids and outdoors people. The most common reason to take Ledum is a puncture wound – it is indicated for deep wounds that do not bleed much. Puncture wounds include animal bites and stings, garden wounds like thorns or prickles, other penetrating injuries like

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